It’s probably the relationship stuff that stresses you out, not the actual cueing, programming, or movement instruction.

The problem is that you have all these awesome skills, but nobody’s ever taught you about non- verbal communication, how to read people, how to motivate them, and how to deal with difficult clients. That’s what we’re here for.

What We Do

(click above for more details on any of these)


    Get clear on what it takes to connect with your clients by mastering the basics. This ensures you're equipped with the confidence and skills needed to make a lasting impact. Take advantage of our free resources to move your career along.


    In our Foundational Coaching Principles course, we teach mastery of the basics. Upon successful completion of the course, receive a certification that not only validates your skills but also qualifies you for insurance, enhancing your credibility and marketability in the coaching industry.


    This ongoing service is all about continued education and, most importantly, the application of new skills. We designed our annual curriculum so that you can join at any time and never feel left behind or out of touch. In addition to our monthly con-ed, we also have weekly live “office hours” so you can get your questions answered by an experienced coach.

  • Wondering if you're competent enough to help your clients reach their goals?

  • Do you struggle to get clients to buy into a long-term view of health and fitness?

  • Are you unsure of the next step to take coaching from a hobby to a career?

Stop Guessing and Start Knowing...

that you are helping your clients in the best way possible.

  • We teach principles, not methods. When you are anchored in good principles, methods become tools. This creates confidence in your competence, and allows you to coach your clients with clarity.

  • Learn to be patient, curious, and consistent. When you embody these three traits, magic happens. You build deeper relationships with your clients and lead them to long-term health and fitness.

  • Coaching is not a profession that you stand in with one foot out the door. In order to succeed, that is, genuinely help people thrive and make a fulfilling living doing so, you must commit to honing your craft with enthusiasm, perseverance, and an open mind.

Why We Are Here

  • Our Mission

    To bring craftsmanship, character, and refinement to the profession of coaching.

  • How We Help

    We teach coaches the skills they need to solve people problems, not fitness problems. We guide them through personalized mentorship, so that everything they learn furthers their craft and growth.

  • Our Team

    We’re not in this business because we love exercise. We’re in it because we love people. We believe in a mission bigger than ourselves, and aren’t afraid to take the time to teach things the right way. We celebrate fitness for the livelihoods it creates for coaches, and the joy it brings to the lives of their clients.

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